"There's not much doubt in any of our minds that no complete idea springs fully formed from our brow,
needing only a handshake and a signature on the contract to send it off into the world to make twenty-five billion dollars.
The germ of the idea grows slowly..." - Walt Kelly

Monday, April 4, 2022

Owner's manual, chapter 67: On the subject of emergency maintenance

NaPoWriMo day 4. A poem written as a prompt, or in this case, a set of instructions. 

1. Split the Earth roughly in two.
2. Move every good thing onto one, and every bad thing onto the other.
3. Fill your bathtub with water. 
4. Place both halves of the Earth in the water, taking great care not to tip them over and get the top sides wet - this would be cataclysmic. 
5. Take the next several days and observe the following, in order:
            a) Do they float?
            b) If not, how long does it them to sink, and which half sank first?
            c) Do any elements of the bad side make a great commotion and
            clamor to be let onto the good side?
            d) Does your bathwater appear to be boiling, or show signs of having
            previously boiled while you were asleep or otherwise occupied?
6. After the three-day observation period, note the state of each half.
7. Note your own state.
8. Drain the bathtub and remove the two halves.
9. Place them on an elevated platform, ideally in good sunlight, to dry.
            a)  If needed, you may also apply a fan turned to a low setting.
10. Once dry, apply a generous layer of strong adhesive to each side.
11. Join the halves, and clamp tightly for security until dry.
            a) This may take some time, so feel free to complete other tasks.
            b) Once again, a low-blowing fan may be of assistance. 
12. Return the Earth to its original place.
13. Rest. 

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