"There's not much doubt in any of our minds that no complete idea springs fully formed from our brow,
needing only a handshake and a signature on the contract to send it off into the world to make twenty-five billion dollars.
The germ of the idea grows slowly..." - Walt Kelly

Thursday, April 7, 2022


On to day 7. Feels like things are starting to flow again, which is nice. Today's prompt is to write something that argues against, or questions, a proverb or famous saying. 

If you snooze, you lose.

The earliest train pulls into the station
before even the morning fog has woken - 
a clanging, screeching devil with torque
to drag even the heaviest eyelids along.

Good thing, too, you reckon. It is most right
to snatch every hour, to crack every egg,
to bend the will of every thought to productivity.

And by the calendar's end, how to celebrate?
Extravagance, delicacy, a fully squeezed evening.

But perhaps a short nap would have served better.

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