"There's not much doubt in any of our minds that no complete idea springs fully formed from our brow,
needing only a handshake and a signature on the contract to send it off into the world to make twenty-five billion dollars.
The germ of the idea grows slowly..." - Walt Kelly

Thursday, May 3, 2018

What's still to come?

Light follows your feet out the door,
the briefest imprints left behind
like prints on the beach,
soon to disappear in the darkness
of another hungry wave's pressure.

Here we tumble in the surf,
heads under feet, arms uncontrollable,
deaf in the crashing calamity.
But still: The sweating anxiety,
the fear - what's still to come?

Playing on my Spotify at this very moment:
Flying Lotus (ft. Kendrick), Never Catch Me
(I can't quit this music video.)

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