"There's not much doubt in any of our minds that no complete idea springs fully formed from our brow,
needing only a handshake and a signature on the contract to send it off into the world to make twenty-five billion dollars.
The germ of the idea grows slowly..." - Walt Kelly

Saturday, April 14, 2018

No need to worry

NaPoWriMo Day 14: Write entries for an imaginary dream dictionary, and what it means to dream those things.

- Spiders
Dreaming of spiders 
is an attempt by your brain
to reconcile
how creepy spiders are, 
despite knowing they
are also necessary. 

- A rainbow 
This is significant. 
Your life is headed
in new and interesting 
directions, rife with possibility. 
But be warned: 
Directions are often wrong. 

- Dinosaurs 
Any variety of extinct animal
would fall into this category. 
Essentially, you are panicking
about the trajectory of your life, 
fearful of irrelevance. 
Nothing to do with asteroids. 

- A parade
You are desperate for love, 
for something to celebrate, 
for the connection
you've been missing - 
just a taste would be nice. 
Just even the briefest morsel. 

Playing on my Spotify at this very moment:
Kendrick Lamar, A.D.H.D.

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